Christian & Muslim Refuse To Perform Their Jobs…With VERY Different Results

Christy Lee Parker

There is a lot of debate regarding freedom of religion in our nation right now. However, there’s also a glaring double standard, which many are being silent about. They are either unaware of it, or they are choosing to ignore it.
Everyone has likely heard the name Kim Davis by now. She is the Kentucky country clerk recently jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because it violates her religious beliefs. There’s a firestorm ensuing with both sides adamantly stating their opinion about what Kim should or shouldn’t have done. Meanwhile, she is behind bars, placed there by President Obama’s federal government, on charges of contempt.
Yet, there’s another person who also failed in her job duties due to religious principles. In contrast, few have heard her name. She isn’t being demonized by the media. No one is screaming “bigot” or telling her to hush up and do her job or get another one. Her name is Charee Stanley, and she’s a Muslim-American. These two cases provide a blatant example of a disturbing double standard within our country. Unfortunately, they aren’t the only evidence of it.
“I don’t think that I should have to choose between practicing my religion properly or earning a living. I shouldn’t have to choose between one or the other because they’re both important.”
That quote is not from Kim Davis. That quote is from Charee Stanley, a flight attendant who converted to Islam a month before taking the job where she was aware duties included serving alcohol. She refused to do her duties and serve the alcohol to passengers. She’s now suing the airline. Where’s the public lynch mob telling her she should not have accepted that position to begin with, if the duties violated her beliefs? Why isn’t she being told to just find another job? She’s not being thrown in jail. Actually, she will likely get a nice fat pay-day from all this.
So, on one side, we have a Christian county clerk opposed to same-sex unions refusing to issue marriage licences, and on the other, there’s a Muslim flight attendant opposed to serving alcohol. Both cite religious beliefs, which prevent them from doing their job, yet both are treated very differently. Kim Davis was arrested, held in contempt, and jailed. Charee Stanley is now suing the small airline, which was her employer.
Kim Davis’s mugshot
While the liberal ACLU filed the motion against Kim Davis, leading to her arrest and imprisonment after U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning decided fines were not enough, stating her “good-faith belief is simply not a viable defense,” The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) filed a discrimination complaint against ExpressJet Airlines for allegedly failing to accommodate the Muslim flight attendant — a complaint which is being taken very seriously.
“We have informed ExpressJet of its obligation under the law to reasonably accommodate Ms. Stanley’s religious accommodation request regarding service of alcohol,” Lena Masri, staff attorney for CAIR-Michigan said in a statement. This is a much different sentiment than what’s been said about accommodating Kim Davis’s religious beliefs at her place of employment. In addition, Stanley’s job duties were known when she took her position, unlike Kim Davis, who had her responsibilities change after the Supreme Court ruling.
Charee Stanley (middle) with CAIR representation
Many will state the difference is that one position is a public office and the other is not. This too is flawed. According to Davis’s opposition, the fact she is an elected official changes what’s expected of her, and they therefore believe she should have resigned if she could no longer comply with her duties. However, if we want to talk about the proper way to handle an elected position, let’s discuss what Kim Davis should have faced. There should have been an immediate recall election. Why didn’t her opposition do this? Because they knew she’d likely be reelected. Therefore, does this not infringe on the rights of voters to choose their county officials? The appropriate procedure was circumvented in an attempt for the liberal left to demand their way.
Kim Davis has also been chastised due to her oath of office. Yet, politicians who also take an oath, including the Commander-in-Chief, are getting away with lawlessness at every turn. This is where we see hypocrisy at its finest. The most blatant display came from The White House, which said Davis was arrested because “nobody is above the law.” This leads me to a quote from presidential hopeful Ted Cruz: “Where is the call for President Obama to resign for defying our immigration laws, our welfare reform laws, and even his own Obamacare?”
In a statement on his website, Cruz further pointed out the hypocrisy of our governing body, which has allowed for sanctuary cities, “resulting in the murder of American citizens by criminal illegal aliens welcomed by his lawlessness.” These lawless mayors are not in prison.
Why do politicians and members of other faiths receive different treatment than Kim Davis? What is the one factor on which this double standard seems to hinge? There’s one obvious variable that makes the Kim Davis case different from the others. She’s a Christian. Now, tell me again how there’s not a war raging against Christianity.

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