Using Python and QGIS for geospatial visualizations - a Case Study

I’m a python and Java/Scala developer, with main focus on Big Data solutions. My main interest is geospatial data and I’m a big fan of clean, testable and tested code with a wow factor. I’m also striving for automating everything with the correct tools.


This tutorial will guide you through a typical day in the life of a Data Scientist who needs to obtain, clean, augment and visualize a geospatial dataset. Our tools will be Python, the BeautifulSoup, pandas and Nominatim libraries and also the open source mapping software QGIS which is widely used in GIS organizations.
Our dataset will be the reports of UFO sightings across the United States which can be found here from the National UFO Reporting Center. Our goal will be to create a visualization on the map of the UFOs seen the past 12 months. The aim of the visualization will be to showcase the dataset, explore it, and understand better the behavior of the alleged UFOs. The visualization will be within the mapping program, because QGIS is particularly suited for quick exploratory analysis of geospatial data. We will also have the ability to export the visualization as a video or animation and share it with other users of the program.
Visiting the website of the UFO sighting reports, we see that the data is available in a pretty much structured format - every month has its own page and every monthly page has a row with the UFO sighting information with time, city, state, shape and description as the columns. So we just need to download the last 12 monthly pages and extract the data from the page's HTML. One appropriate library which can parse the DOM and can then be queried easily is BeautifulSoup, so we will use it to get the links to the last 12 months from the main page and subsequently extract the information.


from datetime import datetime
from itertools import chain
from urllib import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd 
base_url = ""
index_url = ""
# get the index page
source = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(index_url), "html5lib")
# get all the links in the index page 
monthly_urls = map(lambda x: (x.text, base_url + x['href']),source('a'))
# get the last 12 links that have a text like 06/2015
last_year_urls = filter(lambda x: can_cast_as_dt(x[0], "%m/%Y"), monthly_urls)[:12] 
# extract the data from each monthly page and flatten the lists of tuples
last_year_ufos = list(chain(*map(lambda x: get_data_from_url(x[1]), monthly_urls)))
# initialize a pandas DataFrame with the list of tuples
ufos_df = pd.DataFrame(last_year_ufos, columns=["start","city","state","shape","duration_description"])
def can_cast_as_dt(dateStr, fmt):
 datetime.strptime(dateStr, fmt)
 return True
 except ValueError:
 return False
One thing I'd like to point out about the code above is the use of htmllib. It turns out the HTML in the NUFORC website is not formed perfectly after all - it contains two HTML closing tags instead of one. The default parser of BeautifulSoup doesn't handle this case, so that's why we put the "htmllib" argument. Below you can see the function used to extract the data from each monthly page taking again advantage of the structure of the page and using BeautifulSoup. We also convert the date string into a Python datetime. The format of the dates on the page is actually ambiguous, generally of the form 01/21/15, but for the scope of this tutorial, datetime's inference of the century works fine - 2015 is correctly inferred.
def get_data_from_url(url):
 print "Processing {}".format(url)
 data = []
 source = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(url), "html5lib")
 for row in source('tr'):
 if not row('td'):
 continue # header row
 row_data = row('td')
 # parse the datetime from the string
 datetime = parse_dt(row_data[0].text)
 city = row_data[1].text
 state = row_data[2].text
 shape = row_data[3].text
 duration = row_data[4].text
 data.append((datetime, city, state, shape, duration))
 return data
def parse_dt(dateStr):
 # the data in the website comes in two different formats, try both 
 for fmt in ["%m/%d/%y %H:%M", "%m/%d/%y"]:
 return datetime.strptime(dateStr, fmt)
 except ValueError:

Second task: Structuring and Augmenting the Data

We now have a DataFrame object (ufos_df) with all the UFO sighting information we could extract from the web. We chose to ignore the description information, since it is not structured enough to be useful for our usecase. We now have two main problems: The city and state information is probably enough to reason about which city it is in the world, but we don't have the coordinates of the locations. Additionally, the duration information extracted does not follow very precise rules - it can be formatted as "25 minutes" or "25+ Min" or "approximately 25 mins"; therefore it needs some cleaning and standardization before it can be useful.

Extracting duration and end time of UFO sighting

import re
# extract the duration in seconds
ufos_df["duration_secs"] = ufos_df["duration_description"].apply(infer_duration_in_seconds)
# now we can infer the end time of the UFO sighting as well
# which will be useful for the animation later
ufos_df["end"] = ufos_df.apply(lambda x:x["start"] + timedelta(seconds=x["duration_secs"]),axis=1)
# function that infers the duration from the text 
def infer_duration_in_seconds(text):
 # try different regexps to extract the total seconds
 metric_text = ["second","s","Second","segundo","minute","m","min","Minute","hour","h","Hour"]
 metric_seconds = [1,1,1,1,60,60,60,3600,3600,3600]
 for metric,mult in zip(metric_text, metric_seconds):
 regex = "\s*(\d+)\+?\s*{}s?".format(metric)
 res = re.findall(regex,text)
 if len(res)>0:
 return int(float(res[0]) * mult)
 return None
In the code above, we apply the function to return the inferred duration in seconds to every row. Usually, the reports of the duration contain a description of the form "(optional qualifier like approximately, probably, about) + a number + an optional plus sign + (a word to express the time unit, which is in non-standard format and may be in plural form or not)".
To parse this, we can use regular expressions. We can try different possibilities for time units and return the number captured by the regex, multiplied by the number of seconds the matched time unit contains. Here it is interesting to note, that, while regular expressions were not a good tool to parse HTML in the previous step, they are appropriate for extracting the duration information from the string. The presence of optional characters and special classes of characters (ie, digits) make regular expressions a good tool for the job. About 85-90% of the duration descriptions in the data can be parsed with the simple function above; that is, the function doesn't return None.

Geocoding locations

To turn the city and state information into more useful geographical information we need to use a geocoding service. I chose Nominatim because of its straightforward API.
from nominatim import Nominatim
geolocator = Nominatim()
geolocator.query("Houston, TX")
The query object returns a list of possible results. Each result is a dictionary that contains a "lat" and a "lon" column. We decide to take the coordinates of the first result or return None if the query does not succeed in identifying the location. It is also a good idea to cache the results by using a simple Python dictionary so as to not send a query for "Houston, TX" multiple times, because Nominatim needs to query a REST API every time and that takes a while. The exact code used is not shown so as not to clutter the tutorial, but we're still making use of the "apply" functionality given by pandas to use the city and state columns as inputs to create new columns with the coordinates.
At the end, we end up having a "lat" and "lon" column for every row in our DataFrame. Of course, these coordinates reflect the city the UFO sighting was reported in and not the exact location of the reporter, because more precice information was not recorded in the first place. We assume the aliens don't care.

Putting it all together

We can export the data that we have into CSV format for further processing.
# Note: dropna will drop any columns with None values, which is desirable
ufos_df[["start","end","lon","lat","shape"]].dropna().to_csv("ufo_data.csv",index=False, encoding="utf-8")

Third task: Visualization with QGIS

Setup QGIS

We now have a CSV file with our cleaned UFO sightings data. To do the visualization with QGIS, we need to additionally install the OpenLayers plugin (for map backgrounds) and the TimeManager plugin>=2.0 (for stepping through the data in time). To install new plugins go to Plugins>Manage and install plugins, and search for "OpenLayers" and "TimeManager". If you can, use QGIS>=2.9. The TimeManager plugin was originally developed by Anita Graser and over the past year I, carolinux, have contributed a lot with refactoring, maintaining and developing new features.
The next step after the plugins are installed is to go to Web>OpenLayers Plugin and choose the underlying map that we want. In this tutorial, we have chosen OpenStreetMaps. If the TimeManager slider is not visible at the bottom of the program, it's necessary to go to Plugins>TimeManager and click Toggle visibility.

Load the data

We can go to Layer>Add Layer>Add Delimited Text Layer and choose the CSV file with the following settings.
Then, we click on the Settings button in the Time Manager and click Add Layer. We use the settings below and click OK.
Now we can slide through our UFO sightings and also choose the time frame size - we can, for instance, choose a time frame size of two hours to see on the map the UFOs that were reported during a two hour period from the current time. Using the slider, we can explore the dataset and see that on certain occasions multiple people reported seeing a UFO at the same time or in close succession from different locations. The night of March 6, 2015 sure was a busy night for our alleged extraterrestrial visitors.
A cool feature of QGIS in use here is the use of a custom SVG marker (the alien head) for visualization. Follow this link for instructions on how to setup custom markers in QGIS.

Data-defined styling

So far, so good, but we're not yet using one of the very useful features in QGIS which is data-defined styling (and is a direction I see many visualization libraries taking). We will take advantage of this capability to take into account the shape information of the UFOs for the visualization. It is possible to define "rules" within QGIS that say that if the attributes of a point fulfill a condition, a specific marker style will be used to render it.
To set these rules, right-click on the ufo_data layer, select Properties, go to Styling and select "Rule-based styling". Click on the plus symbol to add a new rule. The condition the attributes need to fulfill is defined in the Filter text box. To define a style for all UFO sightings that reported seeing a circular object, write " shape='circle' " as the filter and choose a circular marker. See the rules I defined below. .

Exporting & Sharing

By clicking on "Export Video" from the TimeManager plugin, it is possible to export frames of the data - each frame being a snapshot of a time interval. These frames can then be turned into an animation with a command line utility such as ImageMagick or into a video with ffmpeg. By checking "Do not export empty frames" in the settings of the TimeManager plugin, you can avoid exporting frames where no UFO activity is present. You can also check "Display frame start time on map" to have a text label show the current time. This label can also be customized. Here is an animation I generated for two weeks in March. If the gif doesn't play, you can also load it with this direct link.
It is also possible to share the QGIS project file itself. It contains all the information to recreate the project in XML format and it also contains a relative path to the data source, so it can be shared as a folder which has the CSV and the .qgs file among a team and also put in source control.

Summary & Improvements

We extracted some semi-structured data from a website, transformed it, cleaned it and then loaded it into QGIS to step through it in time and export it as animation/video. Using a program which already had the functionality to visualize geospatial data and handle the geotemporal aspect was a good choice to save time since most of the logic of putting points on a map and handling the time had already been implemented. Feel free to suggest alternatives in the comments. A two-week snapshot of the cleaned dataset to play with can be downloaded from here.
One obvious improvement to this workflow would be to automate the data transformation pipeline fully, which is something data scientists should well keep in mind. I have written about this topic before. There is some manual work needed to launch QGIS and click around and also to turn the exported frames into an animation or a video. For the first issue, if we were to make QGIS project generation a part of a data pipeline which would need to run several times (which has happened in my workplace) we would need to script QGIS and also use a pre-made QGIS project template to load most of the settings from there. Luckily, it is possible to do so in Python using the PyQGIS bindings and take care of everything programmatically. For the second issue, I have indeed received several requests to make video and animation exporting possible with one click through the TimeManager plugin, so expect this feature to appear in the upcoming versions.


Many thanks to Anita Graser for being my collaborator on the TimeManager plugin, and to Julijana Busic for coming up with the idea of visualizing this particular dataset. Also thanks to Yannis Chatzimichos for proofreading.
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