React.js - A guide for Rails developers

I’ve been developing web platforms for a living for the past 8 years. I’m an agile practitioner and a big advocate of TDD, code review and refactoring as means to increase code quality.

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Introduction to React.js

React.js is the new popular guy around the "JavaScript Frameworks" block, and it shines for its simplicity. Where other frameworks implement a complete MVC framework, we could say React only implements the V (in fact, some people replace their framework's V with React). React applications are built over 2 main principles: Components and States. Components can be made of other smaller components, built-in or custom; the State drives what the guys at Facebook call one-way reactive data flow, meaning that our UI will react to every change of state.
One of the good things about React is that it doesn't require any additional dependencies, making it pluggable with virtually any other JS library. Taking advantage of this feature, we are going to include it into our Rails stack to build a frontend-powered application, or you might say, a Rails view on steroids.

A mock expense tracking app

For this guide, we are building a small application from scratch to keep track of our expenses; each record will consist of a date, a title and an amount. A record will be treated as Credit if its amount is greater than zero, otherwise it will be treated as Debit. Here is a mockup of the project:
Summarizing, the application will behave as follows:
  • When the user creates a new record through the horizontal form, it will be appended to the records table
  • The user will be able to inline-edit any existing record
  • Clicking on any Delete button will remove the associated record from the table
  • Adding, editing or removing an existing record will update the amount boxes at the top of the page

Initializing our React.js on Rails project

First things first, we need to start our brand new Rails project, we are naming it Accounts:
 rails new accounts
For this project's UI, we'll be using Twitter Bootstrap. The installation process is out of the scope of this post, but you can install the bootstrap-sass official gem following the instructions from the official github repo.
Once our project has been initialized, we proceed to include React. For this post I decided to include it via the official gem react-rails because we are going to take advantage of some cool features included in this gem, but there are other ways to achieve this task, like using Rails assets or even downloading the source package from the official page and pasting it into our javascripts folder.
If you have been developing Rails apps, you know how easy it is to install a gem: Add react-rails to your Gemfile.
 gem 'react-rails', '~> 1.0'
Then, (kindly) tell Rails to install the new gems:
 bundle install
react-rails comes with an installation script, which will create a components.js file and a components directory under app/assets/javascripts where our React components will live.
 rails g react:install
If you take a look at your application.js file after running the installer, you will notice three new lines:
 //= require react
 //= require react_ujs
 //= require components
Basically, it includes the actual react library, the components manifest file and a kind of familiar file ended in ujs. As you might have guessed for the file's name, react-rails includes an unobtrusive JavaScript driver which will help us to mount our React components and will also handle Turbolinks events.

Creating the Resource

We are going to build a Record resource, which will include a date, a title, and an amount. Instead of using the scaffold generator, we are going to use the resource generator, as we are not going to be using all of the files and methods created by the scaffoldgenerator. Another option might be running the scaffold generator and then proceed to delete the unused files/methods, but our project can turn a little messy after this. Inside your project, run the following command:
 rails g resource Record title date:date amount:float
After some magic, we will end up with a new Record model, controller, and routes. We just need to create our database and run pending migrations.
 rake db:create db:migrate
As a plus, you can create a couple of records through rails console:
 Record.create title: 'Record 1', date:, amount: 500
 Record.create title: 'Record 2', date:, amount: -100
Don't forget to start your server with rails s.
Done! We're ready to write some code.

Nesting Components: Listing Records

For our first task, we need to render any existing record inside a table. First of all, we need to create an index action inside of our RecordsController:
 # app/controllers/records_controller.rb
 class RecordsController < ApplicationController
 def index
 @records = Record.all
Next, we need to create a new file index.html.erb under apps/views/records/, this file will act as a bridge between our Rails app and our React Components. To achieve this task, we will use the helper method react_component, which receives the name of the React component we want to render along with the data we want to pass into it.
 <%# app/views/records/index.html.erb %>
 <%= react_component 'Records', { data: @records } %>
It is worth mentioning this helper is provided by the react-rails gem, if you decide to use other React integration method, this helper will not be available.
You can now navigate to localhost:3000/records. Obviously, this won't work yet because of the lack of a Records React component, but if we take a look at the generated HTML inside the browser window, we can spot something like the following code
 <div data-react-class="Records" data-react-props="{...}">
With this markup present, react_ujs will detect we are trying to render a React component and will instantiate it, including the properties we sent through react_component, in our case, the contents of @records.
The time has come for us to build our First React component, inside the javascripts/components directory, create a new file called, this file will contain our Records component.
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 render: ->
 className: 'records'
 className: 'title'
Each component requires a render method, which will be in charge of rendering the component itself. The render method should return an instance of ReactComponent, this way, when React executes a re-render, it will be performed in an optimal way (as React detects the existence of new nodes through building a virtual DOM in memory). In the snippet above we created an instance of h2, a built-in ReactComponent.
NOTE: Another way to instantiate ReactComponents inside the render method is through JSX syntax. The following snippet is equivalent to the previous one:
 render: ->
 `<div className="records">
 <h2 className="title"> Records </h2>
Personally, when I am working with CoffeeScript, I prefer using the React.DOM syntax over JSX because the code will arrange in a hierarchical structure by itself, similar to HAML. On the other hand, if you are trying to integrate React into an existing application built with erb, you have the option to reuse your existing erb code and convert it into JSX.
You can refresh your browser now.
Perfect! We have rendered our first React Component. Now, it's time to display our records.
Besides the render method, React components rely on the use of properties to communicate with other components and states to detect whether a re-render is required or not. We need to initialize our component's state and properties with the desired values:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 getInitialState: ->
 getDefaultProps: ->
 records: []
 render: ->
The method getDefaultProps will initialize our component's properties in case we forget to send any data when instantiating it, and the getInitialState method will generate the initial state of our component. Now we need to actually display the records provided by our Rails view.
It looks like we are going to need a helper method to format amount strings, we can implement a simple string formatter and make it accesible to all of our coffee files. Create a new file under javascripts/ with the following contents:
 # app/assets/javascripts/
 @amountFormat = (amount) ->
 '$ ' + Number(amount).toLocaleString()
We need to create a new Record component to display each individual record, create a new file under the javascripts/components directory and insert the following contents:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 render: -> null, null, null, @props.record.title null, amountFormat(@props.record.amount)
The Record component will display a table row containing table cells for each record attribute. Don't worry about those nulls in the React.DOM.* calls, it means we are not sending attributes to the components. Now update the render method inside the Records component with the following code:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 render: ->
 className: 'records'
 className: 'title'
 className: 'table table-bordered'
 React.DOM.thead null, null, null, 'Date' null, 'Title' null, 'Amount'
 React.DOM.tbody null,
 for record in @state.records
 React.createElement Record, key:, record: record
Did you see what just happened? We created a table with a header row, and inside of the body table we are creating a Record element for each existing record. In other words, we are nesting built-in/custom React components. Pretty cool, huh?
When we handle dynamic children (in this case, records) we need to provide a key property to the dynamically generated elements so React won't have a hard time refreshing our UI, that's why we send key: along with the actual record when creating Record elements. If we don't do so, we will receive a warning message in the browser's JS console (and probably some headaches in the near future).
You can take a look at the resulting code of this section here, or just the changes introduced by this section here.

Parent-Child communication: Creating Records

Now that we are displaying all the existing records, it would be nice to include a form to create new records, let's add this new feature to our React/Rails application.
First, we need to add the create method to our Rails controller (don't forget to use strong_params):
 # app/controllers/records_controller.rb
 class RecordsController < ApplicationController
 def create
 @record =
 render json: @record
 render json: @record.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
 def record_params
 params.require(:record).permit(:title, :amount, :date)
Next, we need to build a React component to handle the creation of new records. The component will have its own state to store date, title and amount. Create a new file under javascripts/components with the following code:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @RecordForm = React.createClass
 getInitialState: ->
 title: ''
 date: ''
 amount: ''
 render: ->
 className: 'form-inline'
 className: 'form-group'
 type: 'text'
 className: 'form-control'
 placeholder: 'Date'
 name: 'date'
 onChange: @handleChange
 className: 'form-group'
 type: 'text'
 className: 'form-control'
 placeholder: 'Title'
 name: 'title'
 value: @state.title
 onChange: @handleChange
 className: 'form-group'
 type: 'number'
 className: 'form-control'
 placeholder: 'Amount'
 name: 'amount'
 value: @state.amount
 onChange: @handleChange
 type: 'submit'
 className: 'btn btn-primary'
 disabled: !@valid()
 'Create record'
Nothing too fancy, just a regular Bootstrap inline form. Notice how we are defining the value attribute to set the input's value and the onChange attribute to attach a handler method which will be called on every keystroke; the handleChange handler method will use the name attribute to detect which input triggered the event and update the related state value:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @RecordForm = React.createClass
 handleChange: (e) ->
 name =
 @setState "#{ name }":
We are just using string interpolation to dynamically define object keys, equivalent to @setState title: when name equals title. But why do we have to use @setState? Why can't we just set the desired value of @state as we usually do in regular JS Objects? Because @setState will perform 2 actions, it:
  1. Updates the component's state
  2. Schedules a UI verification/refresh based on the new state
It is very important to have this information in mind every time we use state inside our components.
Lets take a look at the submit button, just at the very end of the render method:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @RecordForm = React.createClass
 render: ->
 type: 'submit'
 className: 'btn btn-primary'
 disabled: !@valid()
 'Create record'
We defined a disabled attribute with the value of !@valid(), meaning that we are going to implement a valid method to evaluate if the data provided by the user is correct.
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @RecordForm = React.createClass
 valid: ->
 @state.title && && @state.amount
For the sake of simplicity we are only validating @state attributes against empty strings. This way, every time the state gets updated, the Create record button is enabled/disabled depending on the validity of the data.
Now that we have our controller and form in place, it's time to submit our new record to the server. We need to handle the form's submit event. To achieve this task, we need to add an onSubmit attribute to our form and a new handleSubmit method (the same way we handled onChange events before):
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @RecordForm = React.createClass
 handleSubmit: (e) ->
 $.post '', { record: @state }, (data) =>
 @props.handleNewRecord data
 @setState @getInitialState()
 , 'JSON'
 render: ->
 className: 'form-inline'
 onSubmit: @handleSubmit
Let's review the new method line by line:
  1. Prevent the form's HTTP submit
  2. POST the new record information to the current URL
  3. Success callback
The success callback is the key of this process, after successfully creating the new record someone will be notified about this action and the state is restored to its initial value. Do you remember early in the post when I mentioned that components communicate with other components through properties (or @props)? Well, this is it. Our current component sends data back to the parent component through @props.handleNewRecord to notify it about the existence of a new record.
As you might have guessed, wherever we create our RecordForm element, we need to pass a handleNewRecord property with a method reference into it, something like React.createElement RecordForm, handleNewRecord: @addRecord. Well, the parent Records component is the "wherever", as it has a state with all of the existing records, we need to update its state with the newly created record.
Add the new addRecord method inside and create the new RecordForm element, just after the h2 title (inside the render method).
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 addRecord: (record) ->
 records = @state.records.slice()
 records.push record
 @setState records: records
 render: ->
 className: 'records'
 className: 'title'
 React.createElement RecordForm, handleNewRecord: @addRecord null
Refresh your browser, fill in the form with a new record, click Create record... No suspense this time, the record was added almost immediately and the form gets cleaned after submit, refresh again just to make sure the backend has stored the new data.
If you have used other JS frameworks along with Rails (for example, AngularJS) to build similar features, you might have run into problems because your POST requests don't include the CSRF token required by Rails, so, why didn't we run into this same issue? Easy, because we are using jQuery to interact with our backend, and Rails' jquery_ujs unobtrusive driver will include the CSRF token on every AJAX request for us. Cool!
You can take a look at the resulting code of this section here, or just the changes introduced by this section here.

Reusable Components: Amount Indicators

What would an application be without some (nice) indicators? Let's add some boxes at the top of our window with some useful information. We goal for this section is to show 3 values: Total credit amount, total debit amount and Balance. This looks like a job for 3 components, or maybe just one with properties?
We can build a new AmountBox component which will receive three properties: amount, text and type. Create a new file called under javascripts/components/ and paste the following code:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @AmountBox = React.createClass
 render: ->
 className: 'col-md-4'
 className: "panel panel-#{ @props.type }"
 className: 'panel-heading'
 className: 'panel-body'
We are just using Bootstrap's panel element to display the information in a "blocky" way, and setting the color through the type property. We have also included a really simple amount formatter method called amountFormat which reads the amount property and displays it in currency format.
In order to have a complete solution, we need to create this element (3 times) inside of our main component, sending the required properties depending on the data we want to display. Let's build the calculator methods first, open the Records component and add the following methods:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 credits: ->
 credits = @state.records.filter (val) -> val.amount >= 0
 credits.reduce ((prev, curr) ->
 prev + parseFloat(curr.amount)
 ), 0
 debits: ->
 debits = @state.records.filter (val) -> val.amount < 0
 debits.reduce ((prev, curr) ->
 prev + parseFloat(curr.amount)
 ), 0
 balance: ->
 @debits() + @credits()
credits sums all the records with an amount greater than 0, debits sums all the records with an amount lesser than 0 and balance is self-explanatory. Now that we have the calculator methods in place, we just need to create the AmountBox elements inside the render method (just above the RecordForm component):
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 render: ->
 className: 'records'
 className: 'title'
 className: 'row'
 React.createElement AmountBox, type: 'success', amount: @credits(), text: 'Credit'
 React.createElement AmountBox, type: 'danger', amount: @debits(), text: 'Debit'
 React.createElement AmountBox, type: 'info', amount: @balance(), text: 'Balance'
 React.createElement RecordForm, handleNewRecord: @addRecord
We are done with this feature! Refresh your browser, you should see three boxes displaying the amounts we've calculated earlier. But wait! There's more! Create a new record and see the magic work...
You can take a look at the resulting code of this section here, or just the changes introduced by this section here.

setState/replaceState: Deleting Records

The next feature in our list is the ability to delete records, we need a new Actions column in our records table, this column will have a Delete button for each record, pretty standard UI. As in our previous example, we need to create the destroy method in our Rails controller:
 # app/controllers/records_controller.rb
 class RecordsController < ApplicationController
 def destroy
 @record = Record.find(params[:id])
 head :no_content
That is all the server-side code we will need for this feature. Now, open your Records React component and add the Actions column at the rightmost position of the table header:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 render: ->
 # almost at the bottom of the render method
 React.DOM.thead null, null, null, 'Date' null, 'Title' null, 'Amount' null, 'Actions'
 React.DOM.tbody null,
 for record in @state.records
 React.createElement Record, key:, record: record
And finally, open the Record component and add an extra column with a Delete link:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 render: -> null, null, null, @props.record.title null, amountFormat(@props.record.amount) null,
 className: 'btn btn-danger'
Save your file, refresh your browser and... We have a useless button with no events attached to it!
Let's add some functionality to it. As we learned from our RecordForm component, the way to go here is:
  1. Detect an event inside the child Record component (onClick)
  2. Perform an action (send a DELETE request to the server in this case)
  3. Notify the parent Records component about this action (sending/receiving a handler method through props)
  4. Update the Record component's state
To implement step 1, we can add a handler for onClick to Record the same way we added a handler for onSubmit to RecordForm to create new records. Fortunately for us, React implements most of the common browser events in a normalized way, so we don't have to worry about cross-browser compatibility (you can take a look at the complete events list here).
Re-open the Record component, add a new handleDelete method and an onClick attribute to our "useless" delete button as follows:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 handleDelete: (e) ->
 # yeah... jQuery doesn't have a $.delete shortcut method
 method: 'DELETE'
 url: "/records/#{ }"
 dataType: 'JSON'
 success: () =>
 @props.handleDeleteRecord @props.record
 render: -> null, null, null, @props.record.title null, amountFormat(@props.record.amount) null,
 className: 'btn btn-danger'
 onClick: @handleDelete
When the delete button gets clicked, handleDelete sends an AJAX request to the server to delete the record in the backend and, after this, it notifies the parent component about this action through the handleDeleteRecord handler available through props, this means we need to adjust the creation of Record elements in the parent component to include the extra property handleDeleteRecord, and also implement the actual handler method in the parent:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 deleteRecord: (record) ->
 records = @state.records.slice()
 index = records.indexOf record
 records.splice index, 1
 @replaceState records: records
 render: ->
 # almost at the bottom of the render method
 React.DOM.thead null, null, null, 'Date' null, 'Title' null, 'Amount' null, 'Actions'
 React.DOM.tbody null,
 for record in @state.records
 React.createElement Record, key:, record: record, handleDeleteRecord: @deleteRecord
Basically, our deleteRecord method copies the current component's records state, performs an index search of the record to be deleted, splices it from the array and updates the component's state, pretty standard JavaScript operations.
We introduced a new way of interacting with the state, replaceState; the main difference between setState and replaceState is that the first one will only update one key of the state object, the second one will completely override the current state of the component with whatever new object we send.
After updating this last bit of code, refresh your browser window and try to delete a record, a couple of things should happen:
  1. The records should disappear from the table and...
  2. The indicators should update the amounts instantly, no additional code is required
We are almost done with our application, but before implementing our last feature, we can apply a small refactor and, at the same time, introduce a new React feature.
You can take a look at the resulting code of this section here, or just the changes introduced by this section here.

Refactor: State Helpers

At this point, we have a couple of methods where the state gets updated without any difficulty as our data is not what you might call "complex", but imagine a more complex application with a multi-level JSON state, you can picture yourself performing deep copies and juggling with your state data. React includes some fancy state helpers to help you with some of the heavy lifting, no matter how deep your state is, these helpers will let you manipulate it with more freedom using a kind-of MongoDB's query language (or at least that's what React's documentation says).
Before using these helpers, first we need to configure our Rails application to include them. Open your project's config/application.rb file and add config.react.addons = true at the bottom of the Application block:
 # config/application.rb
 module Accounts
 class Application < Rails::Application
 config.react.addons = true
For the changes to take effect, restart your rails server, I repeat, restart your rails server. Now we have access to the state helpers through React.addons.update, which will process our state object (or any other object we send to it) and apply the provided commands. The two commands we will be using are $push and $splice (I'm borrowing the explanation of these commands from the official React documentation):
  • {$push: array} push() all the items in array on the target.
  • {$splice: array of arrays} for each item in arrays call splice() on the target with the parameters provided by the item.
We're about to simplify addRecord and deleteRecord from the Record component using these helpers, as follows:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 addRecord: (record) ->
 records = React.addons.update(@state.records, { $push: [record] })
 @setState records: records
 deleteRecord: (record) ->
 index = @state.records.indexOf record
 records = React.addons.update(@state.records, { $splice: [[index, 1]] })
 @replaceState records: records
Shorter, more elegant and with the same results, feel free to reload your browser and ensure nothing got broken.
You can take a look at the resulting code of this section here, or just the changes introduced by this section here.

Reactive Data Flow: Editing Records

For the final feature, we are adding an extra Edit button, next to each Delete button in our records table. When this Edit button gets clicked, it will toggle the entire row from a read-only state (wink wink) to an editable state, revealing an inline form where the user can update the record's content. After submitting the updated content or canceling the action, the record's row will return to its original read-only state.
As you might have guessed from the previous paragraph, we need to handle mutable data to toggle each record's state inside of our Record component. This is a use case of what React calls reactive data flow. Let's add an edit flag and a handleToggle method to
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 getInitialState: ->
 edit: false
 handleToggle: (e) ->
 @setState edit: !@state.edit
The edit flag will default to false, and handleToggle will change edit from false to true and vice versa, we just need to trigger handleToggle from a user onClick event.
Now, we need to handle two row versions (read-only and form) and display them conditionally depending on edit. Luckily for us, as long as our render method returns a React element, we are free to perform any actions in it; we can define a couple of helper methods recordRow and recordForm and call them conditionally inside of render depending on the contents of @state.edit.
We already have an initial version of recordRow, it's our current render method. Let's move the contents of render to our brand new recordRow method and add some additional code to it:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 recordRow: -> null, null, null, @props.record.title null, amountFormat(@props.record.amount) null,
 className: 'btn btn-default'
 onClick: @handleToggle
 className: 'btn btn-danger'
 onClick: @handleDelete
We only added an additional React.DOM.a element which listens to onClick events to call handleToggle.
Moving forward, the implementation of recordForm will follow a similar structure, but with input fields in each cell. We are going to use a new ref attribute for our inputs to make them accessible; as this component doesn't handle a state, this new attribute will let our component read the data provided by the user through @refs:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 recordForm: -> null, null,
 className: 'form-control'
 type: 'text'
 ref: 'date' null,
 className: 'form-control'
 type: 'text'
 defaultValue: @props.record.title
 ref: 'title' null,
 className: 'form-control'
 type: 'number'
 defaultValue: @props.record.amount
 ref: 'amount' null,
 className: 'btn btn-default'
 onClick: @handleEdit
 className: 'btn btn-danger'
 onClick: @handleToggle
Do not be afraid, this method might look big, but it is just our HAML-like syntax. Notice we are calling @handleEdit when the user clicks on the Update button, we are about to use a similar flow as the one implemented to delete records.
Do you notice something different on how React.DOM.inputs are being created? We are using defaultValue instead of value to set the initial input values, this is because using just value without onChange will end up creating read-only inputs.
Finally, the render method boils down to the following code:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 render: ->
 if @state.edit
You can refresh your browser to play around with the new toggle behavior, but don't submit any changes yet as we haven't implemented the actual update functionality.
To handle record updates, we need to add the update method to our Rails controller:
 # app/controllers/records_controller.rb
 class RecordsController < ApplicationController
 def update
 @record = Record.find(params[:id])
 if @record.update(record_params)
 render json: @record
 render json: @record.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
Back to our Record component, we need to implement the handleEdit method which will send an AJAX request to the server with the updated record information, then it will notify the parent component by sending the updated version of the record via the handleEditRecord method, this method will be received through @props, the same way we did it before when deleting records:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Record = React.createClass
 handleEdit: (e) ->
 data =
 title: React.findDOMNode(@refs.title).value
 date: React.findDOMNode(
 amount: React.findDOMNode(@refs.amount).value
 # jQuery doesn't have a $.put shortcut method either
 method: 'PUT'
 url: "/records/#{ }"
 dataType: 'JSON'
 record: data
 success: (data) =>
 @setState edit: false
 @props.handleEditRecord @props.record, data
For the sake of simplicity, we are not validating user data, we just read it through React.findDOMNode(@refs.fieldName).value and sending it verbatim to the backend. Updating the state to toggle edit mode on success is not mandatory, but the user will definitely thank us for that.
Last, but not least, we just need to update the state on the Records component to overwrite the former record with the newer version of the child record and let React perform its magic. The implementation might look like this:
 # app/assets/javascripts/components/
 @Records = React.createClass
 updateRecord: (record, data) ->
 index = @state.records.indexOf record
 records = React.addons.update(@state.records, { $splice: [[index, 1, data]] })
 @replaceState records: records
 render: ->
 # almost at the bottom of the render method
 React.DOM.thead null, null, null, 'Date' null, 'Title' null, 'Amount' null, 'Actions'
 React.DOM.tbody null,
 for record in @state.records
 React.createElement Record, key:, record: record, handleDeleteRecord: @deleteRecord, handleEditRecord: @updateRecord
As we have learned on the previous section, using React.addons.update to change our state might result on more concrete methods. The final link between Records and Record is the method @updateRecord sent through the handleEditRecord property.
Refresh your browser for the last time and try updating some existing records, notice how the amount boxes at the top of the page keep track of every record you change.
We are done! Smile, we have just built a small Rails + React application from scratch!
You can take a look at the resulting code of this section here, or just the changes introduced by this section here.

Closing thoughts: React.js Simplicity & Flexibility

We have examined some of React's functionalities and we learned that it barely introduces new concepts. I have heard comments of people saying X or Y JavaScript framework has a steep learning curve because of all the new concepts introduced, this is not React's case; it implements core JavaScript concepts such as event handlers and bindings, making it easy to adopt and learn. Again, one of its strengths is its simplicity.
We also learned by the example how to integrate it into the Rails' assets pipeline and how well it plays along with CoffeeScript, jQuery, Turbolinks, and the rest of the Rails' orchestra. But this is not the only way of achieving the desired results. For example, if you don't use Turbolinks (hence, you don't need react_ujs) you can use Rails Assets instead of the react-rails gem, you could use Jbuilder to build more complex JSON responses instead of rendering JSON objects, and so on; you would still be able to get the same wonderful results.
React will definitely boost your frontend abilities, making it a great library to have under your Rails' toobelt.

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