This October, Michael Fassbender will join Ashton Kutcher among the actors to have played Steve Jobs. Aaron Sorkin's movie adaptation of Walter Isaacson's biography is one of many dramatizations of the life of Apple's co-founder, who died in 2011.
This week sees a quieter yet more authentic release in Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine,
available Sept. 4 in theaters and on iTunes from Magnolia Pictures.
Rather than offering a straight biography, Academy Award-winning
documentarian Alex Gibney
sets out to answer a question: Why were so many people so moved by the
death of someone who he describes as "ruthless, deceitful, and cruel"?
If we loved products that came from someone also described as incapable
of love, what does that say about the man?
Balancing these familiar reels are original interviews with employers and colleagues such as Atari founder Nolan Bushnell and 1984 commercial mastermind Regis McKenna, former lover Chrisann Brennan and travel buddy Dan Kottke, pop culture expert Sherry Turkle and reporters from Gizmodo and Fortune. Absent are the most well-known Apple employees Tim Cook or Jony Ive, or co-founder Steve Wozniak, and family, including Laurene Jobs and Lisa Brennan-Jobs (although an actor reads an excerpt of the latter's "Confessions of a Lapsed Vegetarian").
It wasn't just his customers, but his friends and family, who fell under
Jobs' spell. Bob Belleville, director of engineering for Macintosh,
1982 -1985, was the most emotional of Gibney's guests. Describing Jobs
as a cross between James Dean, Princess Diana, John Lennon and Santa
Claus, Belleville reflected, "It's easy to make chaos, and if you're
comfortable with it, you can use it as a tool [as Jobs did] to get other
people involved in his schemes. He's seducing you, he's vilifying you,
and he's ignoring you. You're in one of those three states." The demands
of launching the Macintosh cost Belleville his wife and children, but
in hindsight, it seems a price he was willing to pay: "It was a life
well and fully lived -- even if it was a bit expensive for those of us
who were close."
Jobs, who believed simplicity was the ultimate sophistication, fell
short in this area as well, but the film does not shy from moments of
subtlety. When playing an old interview with Kobun Chino, an early
mentor of Jobs', the film makes a one-time transition from live action
to animation, using simple black-and-white line art to depict master and
student. This sequence is both surprising and elegant: it stands out
for being so different from the rest of the film, yet the transition to
and from this sequence and its slower, simpler pace represent something
Jobs never achieved. It dovetails with Brennan's observation that Jobs
sought and attained enlightenment yet retained his ego. "He blew it,"
she sighs -- referring not to his commercial or design success, but to
his humanity.
People close to Steve Jobs, including former girlfriend Chrisann Brennan, are interviewed in the new movie.
Jobs didn't seem willing or able to connect with humanity, his own or
others' -- so he instead created a company that connected with people,
and which helped them connect with each other. Said Jobs, "People
sometimes forget that they're unique. The whole computer industry wants
to forget about the humanist side and just focus on the technology. Can
we do more than just spreadsheets and word processors? Can we help you
express yourself in richer ways?"
It's almost as though Apple were a proxy for something Jobs lacked in
his own life: If consumers loved Apple, then it's almost as if they
loved him. Said Kottke, Apple employee number 12, of Jobs being adopted
at birth, "That was clearly a very defining image in his life: both that
he was rejected and he was special." That dichotomy would resonate
throughout Jobs' 56 years.
Retellings of Jobs' life often omit details of his 12 years away from
Apple; after all, "Apple was a 30-year sitcom, and Steve was the main
character," said McKenna. Likewise, except for a brief interview with
NeXT engineer Michael Hawley, The Man in the Machine glosses
over that era and how it affected Jobs. We instead return to Apple,
where Andy Grignon, senior manager of the iPhone, paints Jobs as a
Godfather-like figure one crossed at one's own peril.
This story, "New Jobs movie: A quieter, more authentic portrait" was originally published by
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