Yesterday, Deputy Darren Goforth was laid to rest after
having been brutally murdered while pumping gas into his police cruiser
earlier this week. Across the country, law enforcement officials have
been on guard as the Black Lives Matter and black supremacy groups
have called for the murders of police officers and white people. While
the country waits to see what action will be taken against these
terroristic groups, our police officers are wondering if they will be
the next victim.
Yesterday morning, a Houston police officer, Tommi
Jones-Kelley, was pumping gas in her patrol car in the pouring rain when
suddenly someone walked up directly behind her. Kelley turned around
and noticed that a teenage boy named McKinley Zoellner was standing
behind her. The startled Jones-Kelley was taken aback when Zoellner
asked her if he could stand watch while she fueled up.
Officer Tommi Jones-Kelley
Jones-Kelley’s initial reaction was “why?” To which the teen simply responded, “To make sure you stay safe!”
After Jones-Kelley finished pumping her gas, Zoellner
casually walked back to the passenger side of the car he was riding in.
Jones-Kelley followed him back to the car and asked the woman who was
driving if she was Zoellner’s mother, to which she responded she was.
Jones-Kelley told the mother that she had an amazing son for standing
watch while she pumped gas into her car. Zoellner’s mother replied that
her son just wanted to make sure no one hurt Jones-Kelley and that he
had her “6.”
Jones-Kelley quickly made a post on her personal Facebook page to express her gratitude for this young man’s selfless act.
“Yes, I’m the one with the gun on my hip while he stood there empty-handed, but he for sure had my ‘6’ while my back was turned. With all the terror going on nationwide, this reassured me there are still some pretty awesome individuals out there!”
This kind gesture that Zoellner demonstrated to officer
Jones-Kelley comes at the perfect time in the wake of so many senseless
police tragedies. Zoellner demonstrates all that is right with humanity
and how we all can learn from this simple act of kindness and
These are the very attributes that have made our country
great and seem to have been lost along the way in the name of
progressivism. I not only would like to shake the hand of this amazing
teenager, but his mother as well, for raising such a commendable person.
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