You are the ones that sent it to kill us. They sent the
virus and infected people here. Then they blamed Liberians for Ebola. They killed
that boy for nothing.'
Thomas Eric Duncan died in Dallas on October 8 after flying
to the US from Liberia three weeks earlier. He was infected when he helped a
pregnant neighbour seek hospital treatment.
Mrs Pearson insisted that her brother did not receive the
same level of care as American citizens who had contracted the disease and were
taken back to the US for treatment.

It comes as the Texas Presbyterian Hospital accused of
failing in his care was forced to settle with Mr Duncan's family in a secret
Williams died from Ebola the following day.
Of the nine people who have been treated for Ebola in the
U.S., only Duncan has died and his nephew Josephus Weeks said: 'We begged. We
pleaded. I even offered my own blood, even though it wouldn't do anything for
him. We requested everything we could think of to save Eric. They said no.'
Mrs Pearson said: 'Eric suffered in exile and it really
hurts me. They didn't feel sorry for him. They didn't give him drugs. They had
the means to treat him but they treated him like a dog.
'They are wicked. They didn't treat him because they said he
brought Ebola to America.'
Duncan was infected on September 15 when he went to help out
a pregnant neighbour, Marthaline Williams, 19, who was sick and needed to get
to hospital. There was no ambulance available so Duncan loaded her into a taxi
and took her himself.