New photos of Hon. Abdulmumin Jibrin and new wife, Maryam Augie

The couple got married on Maryam’s birthday on November 24th at Emir’s Palace Argungu, Kebbi State. Hon. Abdulmumin Jibrin is the youthful Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Finance. He holds a Bachelor degree, M.Sc and PhD in politics, Diplomacy & international affairs from University of Abuja and ABU Zaria respectively.

Maryam turned down many high profile jobs to fully concentrate as CEO of AYAHAY Foundation. She holds a Bachelors Degree in International Business from the National American University Sharjah, Dubai and MBA from Ehsal University Brussels. 

Black tie event for their wedding has been schedule for 20th December and the wedding reception comes up on 21st December,2014 at the Harrow Park Golf Club, CBD Abuja

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