Aqsa Mahmood, 20, told Twitter followers the plunging temperatures in Syria are "too much" for her
A jihadi bride who fled Scotland for Syria to marry a terrorist has complained the country is too cold.
Aqsa Mahmood, 20, has told followers on twitter the plunging temperatures are "too much" for her.
The 20-year-old from Glasgow married a fighter for the brutal Islamic State in February before her parents begged her to return in a public appeal.
Uni dropout Mahmood is now living in the IS-held northern city of Raqqah where temperatures dip well below freezing at night.
She wrote: "Bun [forget] Scotland, the winters here are too much.
"Sisters please don’t forget to pack thermal clothing or you’ll regret it later on."
Raqqah in northern Syria averages 21 degrees in November and hits scorching temperatures of 47 in the summer.
In contrast, Glasgow averages will average around 9 degrees this month.
Fanatic Mahmood, who believes in strict gender segregation, also lashed out at other girls looking to travel to Syria for contacting male IS fighters instead of her and her pals.
She said: “Sisters please, for the sake of Allah, contact the sisters who are online rather than approaching the brothers.
“Also know the fact many brothers whom you contact and chat to are married. Have some self-respect and don’t be a homewrecker.”
Mahmood was one of the first Muslim women to flee the UK for the war zone.
She studied at £3,500-a-term Craigholme all-girls’ school before going to Shawlands Academy for her sixth year, where it’s thought she developed radical beliefs.
After quitting university last year, she crossed the Turkish border last November and travelled to Aleppo after dropping out
of a degree course on diagnostic radiotherapy.
Aqsa Mahmood, 20, has told followers on twitter the plunging temperatures are "too much" for her.
The 20-year-old from Glasgow married a fighter for the brutal Islamic State in February before her parents begged her to return in a public appeal.
She wrote: "Bun [forget] Scotland, the winters here are too much.
"Sisters please don’t forget to pack thermal clothing or you’ll regret it later on."
Raqqah in northern Syria averages 21 degrees in November and hits scorching temperatures of 47 in the summer.
In contrast, Glasgow averages will average around 9 degrees this month.
Fanatic Mahmood, who believes in strict gender segregation, also lashed out at other girls looking to travel to Syria for contacting male IS fighters instead of her and her pals.
She said: “Sisters please, for the sake of Allah, contact the sisters who are online rather than approaching the brothers.
“Also know the fact many brothers whom you contact and chat to are married. Have some self-respect and don’t be a homewrecker.”
Mahmood was one of the first Muslim women to flee the UK for the war zone.
She studied at £3,500-a-term Craigholme all-girls’ school before going to Shawlands Academy for her sixth year, where it’s thought she developed radical beliefs.
After quitting university last year, she crossed the Turkish border last November and travelled to Aleppo after dropping out
of a degree course on diagnostic radiotherapy.
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