Dr. Mehmet Oz, popularly known by his TV show name Dr. Oz, has come under fire after he called for a Twitter Q&A on Tuesday. The supporter of various alternative health pathways asked for people to submit their medical questions but was instead blasted for promoting suspicious weight loss products.
What is your biggest question for me? Reply with #OzsInbox and I'll answer my favorites on http://t.co/8kjmALRoAd.
— Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) November 11, 2014
In June, Dr. Oz was summoned before a Senate panel on consumer protection to explain his alternative approach to medicine and especially weight loss, on his show. He had said;
“I actually do personally believe in the items I talk about in the show. I passionately study them. I recognize that often times they don’t have the scientific muster to present as fact.”
His critics took the opportunity of his tweet to call him out once again, slamming him as a snake oil salesman and a quack, under his hashtag, #OzsInbox. Read and share your views on Dr. Oz.
.@DrOz "First do no harm". Does promoting quack cure-alls and diets, while trashing good medicine and technology do harm? #OzsInbox
— Kevin Folta (@kevinfolta) November 12, 2014
.@DrOz #OzsInbox Why have you not been censured or fired from @ColumbiaSurgery for conduct unbecoming a physician, scientist, and gentlemen?
— Sunil K Sahai MD (@DrSunilKSahai) November 12, 2014
@DrOz As a cardiothoracic surgeon should you dispense nutrition advice? It's like a neurologist giving out dermatology advice #OzsInbox
— mamakafrin (@haphazardhumor) November 12, 2014
@DrOz Name specific toxins removed by a detox that is not removed by your liver/kidneys?What studies have you published on this?#OzsInbox
— Chris Scholtz (@ScholtzC) November 12, 2014
You've told us to eat low-carb, low-fat, paleo, and vegan diets. I've
been eating them all daily- why am I gaining so much weight? #OzsInbox
— Colby Vorland (@nutsci) November 12, 2014
@DrOz. Which disease kills more people? Ebola or Mercola? #OzsInbox
— Greg Hinson (@ackdoc) November 12, 2014
Can you go an entire show without saying the words "miracle," "toxin," and belly fat?" #OzsInbox
— Jennifer Gunter (@DrJenGunter) November 12, 2014
@DrOz What has been your most profitable lie for money so far? #OzsInbox
— Robbie G (@Gruntfutuck) November 11, 2014
#OzsInbox I just got my flu shot, when can I expect to develop autism?
— Ryen Smorz (@Smorz7IU) November 12, 2014
.@DrOz what's your favorite snake oil? How do you sleep at night? #OzsInbox
— Chow Babe (@Chow_Babe) November 11, 2014
#OzsInbox Is it true you got into medicine because it was easier than starting your own cult?
— J. Scott Wilson (@chefmongo) November 13, 2014
Dear @DrOz: is quackery a miracle weight loss cure? Something tells me your walls are going to be a lot lighter w/o your license #OzsInbox
— Jenn (@FluffieDucky) November 13, 2014
#OzsInbox Is it true you got into medicine because it was easier than starting your own cult?
— J. Scott Wilson (@chefmongo) November 13, 2014
Considering there are so many weight loss miracles should nutrition be a religion instead of a science? #OzsInbox
— Jennifer Gunter (@DrJenGunter) November 13, 2014